Test Automation Strategy - Guide
A test automation strategy defines the tools and frameworks used to get reusable, automated scripts, as well as how to create those scripts and maintain them. .....
5 Tips for Mobile App Testing
5 quick wins that you can use on your mobile app testing journey to have wider test coverage and more effective mobile testing .....
Scenarios to include in Test Automation
Automating EVERY test takes more cost, effort, and time than is practical, make a data-driven decision on what you will and will not automate; and in what priority .....
Element Locator Strategy - Introduction
Types of locator strategies and importance of proper locator strategies as well as best practices to follow for testers and developers .....
Run tests on Microsoft Edge browser using WebdriverIO
Run automated tests on Microsoft Edge browser using WebdriverIO. .....
Scroll to Top - React & Gatsby
Trigger a scroll to top icon when the user scrolls to a certain view height on your Gatsby blog using React and MaterialUI .....
Transparent to Solid Header on Scroll
Learn how to change your header or nav bar from transparent to solid on scroll, once it reaches a specific view height .....
What is an HTML Attribute - How to use the WebdriverIO getAttribute command
Understand what is an HTML Attribute | How to use WebdriverIO getAttribute function | getAttribute vs getText .....
WebdriverIO getText vs getValue - What's the difference | Resolving errors
Understand what is getText vs getValue and resolve errrors you may get with each. .....
Resolving errors in WebdriverIO - 'no test specified' | 'missing )'
Find out how to resolve errors that sometimes occur when running your WedbriverIO tests with npm run test. .....
Deploy React app to Heroku using Gitlab CI/CD Pipeline - test with WebdriverIO
Create and deploy a React app to Heroku using the Gitlab ci/cd pipeline. Test before deploying with WebdriverIO .....
Mobile Test Techniques
With over 3 million apps available between Android and Apple, to remain competitive you must provide users with high quality, high value apps .....